Pushback against populists
Recently, populists around the world did not have a good run. Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom was delivered a blow by the highest court of the country, deciding that Johnson’s move to suspend parliament was illegal. During the Tory’s annual four-day conference that began on Monday, party [...]
A threat to democracy? Polarized and fragmented politics makes government formation more difficult
Proportional voting usually yields parliaments where no party holds a majority of seats. Most European countries have therefore been governed by coalition governments or by minority governments, a practice particularly popular in parts of Scandinavia. After recent elections, however, government formation has proved increasingly difficult. More fragmented and more polarized [...]
Brexit and no end – UK parliament back in session by today
The fight for political control in the UK continues. In a surprising turn of events, the highest court in the UK has decided yesterday, Tuesday, that Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to abrogate parliament for five weeks was against the law. The move had been widely viewed as aimed at [...]
Climate protests in New York and around the world. Thunberg: “Fairy tales of eternal economic growth”
Scores of mostly young climate activists took to the streets of Manhattan and around the world last Friday to demand action ahead of the United Nations General Assembly that is taking place in New York this week. While Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office estimated the crowd in Manhattan at 60’000, [...]
Facts, Media Bias and Democracy this Week
As the media has become polarized and fragmented, the relationship between fact and news reporting has become increasingly loose, with potentially dire consequences. Media bias is a threat to democracy, as informed political decision-making relies on accurate and fair news reporting on multiple issues. The Pew Research Center is sponsoring [...]
Threats to Democracy – The Latest from Political Scientists
"Threats to Democracy was a topic high on the agenda of political scientists at their most important annual conference: the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (APSA), recently held from August 29 – September 1, 2019 in Washington, DC, and where political scientists discussed trends and findings within their field. This year the rise of authoritarianism, autocratic nationalism and disregard for the rule of law, and remedies were important topics. Contributions revealed some startling findings... Read on by clicking on the title."